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Our farm

The Karelshaff is situated on a high plateau between Colmar-Berg and Mertzig. Since 2002, we have been managing our farm according to organic guidelines and have specialised in direct marketing. We are convinced that high food quality can only be guaranteed if animal welfare is ensured and sustainable production in harmony with nature is a matter of course.



We farm about 72 hectares, of which 42 hectares are arable land for organic seed/cereals and 30 hectares are grassland. Here we pay attention to a correct crop rotation and suitable intercrops to maintain soil fertility without the use of chemical fertilisers or pesticides.



Besides the work in the field, we concentrate on keeping 50 mother cows and 45 offspring. Our herd enjoys life on the pasture from spring to the end of autumn. In winter, when it gets cold and wet, all our animals come into our open-front stable, which is littered with straw and with plenty of space. During this season we feed the cows hay, lucerne, clover grass and cereal muesli from our own cultivation. This type of animal husbandry is later reflected in the quality and taste of the meat.



Another mainstay of our farm is the rearing of organic chickens. With almost 4 hectares of outdoor space, the chickens have enough room to move and to follow their natural needs. In our chicken farming we keep both, male and female chickens. In addition, we renounce from the preventive use of antibiotics, as in our eyes this does not belong in a production of healthy food.


Our meat marketing is mainly done through private customers. The organic chickens and the organic beef are sold on our farm (Contact us by E-MAIL).




Beschreibung: Our Farm

©2024  by Karelshaff / Control number: LU-BIO-05

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